Crystal Knutson Artist

The Benefits of having Colorful Art in your Home!

Colorful floral impressionistic abstract painting by crystal knutson

The Benefits of having Colorful Art in your Home!

Why have Colorful Art?

Simply put, color matters in our lives.  After the summer months of mainly being outdoors playing in the sunshine, we all make our way back into our homes for the fall and winter months. At least this is the case in the northern hemisphere where winters offer sub-zero temperatures that make going outside at times, almost unbearable.

Sunset of Dreams Print 4, colorful art, colorful painting
Sunset of Dreams Print 4, colorful art, colorful painting

When I’m in my house in the fall months, when the light starts to get less prominent coming through my windows, I yearn for colors.  We added a bright colorful carpet in our living room and it made a big difference.  That not-so-cheery hallway now has a bright blue to help pick up the shadowy feeling. And, art… The art on my walls is full of bold colorful art pieces.

I’d go as far as to say, what we look at all day long is very important for our mental health, almost as much as eating the right nutritious foods.

When we see colorful art, it stimulates dopamine.

“A University of London study showed that when a person looks at a piece of art that they see as beautiful, there is an instantaneous release of dopamine, a chemical that is linked to feelings of love, into the brain.”

Did you know Picasso once said, “Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life,” I am starting to think that man was on to something…

When you engage yourself artistically whether it is admiring someone else’s artwork or your own, you use your imagination, you can help regulate your blood pressure and your heart rate.

Art has an impact and colorful feel good artwork is worth investing in.  Think about brightening up your living space. I know it makes a difference to me.  I bet a bright painting will help lift your moods during the less sunny months too.


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